カリフォルニア州 ベンチュラで「Humble and Grand」という ホームスタイリングの shop を経営する姉妹の Lauren と Erin 。シンプルで便利、そして美しく、丁寧に作られたものをセレクトした店内には素敵なものがたくさんありました。「fog が大好きよ!」というふたり。今回は「一つじゃ足りないからトップ 3 をあげるわ!」と好きな製品を 3 つ教えてくれました!

写真の左が Erin、右が質問に答えてくれた Lauren です。

Humble and Grand
How and when did you start your store?

私たちは 2017 年に「Girl and the Abode」という名前でオープンしました。ホームスタイリングとオーガナイズ事業の延長線でした。クライアントやお客様が、美しく機能的で、長持ちする家庭用品を購入できる場所を作りたかったの。
お店をつくることは情熱的なプロジェクトだったわ。最初はうまくいくかわからなかったのだけど、私たちが大好きな素敵なビジネスの側面になっていったわ。そして、シンプルさと完璧さを求めてお店の名前を変更することに決めたの。「Humble and Grand」(つつましく、そして壮大に)という名前は、私たちの価値観をよりよく伝えてくれると感じたのよ。

We opened Humble and Grand back in 2017 under the name Girl and the Abode. It was created as an extension of our styling and organizing business. We wanted a place for our clients and customers to be able to shop for beautiful, functional, and sustainable homewares.
The Shop was a passion project. We did not know if it would be well received, but it has turned out to be such a lovely addition and an aspect we love so much.We decided on the name shift because we are driven by Simplicity and striving for contentment. So we felt that the name Humble and Grand communicated our values in a better way.
Through humility, everything can be grand. We sell humble products that add a sense of beauty and that you can feel good about having in your home.

What is the feature of your store?

便利で美しく、丁寧に作られた製品を信頼しています。また、"less but better" (少なく、しかしより良く)という考えを強く追求しているわ。だから、Fog Linen は私たちにほんとにぴったりなの!

Simplicity is central to our store.
We believe in well-made products that are useful and beautiful. We also firmly follow the idea of less but better. Fog Linen, therefore, is quite the perfect match for us.

What is your city looks like?

私たちはロサンゼルスから北へ約 60 マイル、カリフォルニア州ベンチュラの西の端に住んでいます。

We live in the west end of Ventura CA, about 60 miles north of Los Angeles.
It's the home to Patagonia's original headquarters. I feel they have set a very good tone for our community to think more sustainably.
It's a very unpretentious little beach town with such lovely hard-working artisans and entrepreneurs here. We have lovely weather year-round and the quality of life is slower than in other cities nearby.

How did you get to know fog linen work?

Fogのことは何年も前から知っていて、Yumikoさんが築き上げた美意識や価値観が私たちの会社と一致することもわかっていたわ。私たちが Fog の商品をお客様に紹介することは、自然なことだったのよ。

I had known of Fog Linen years and years ago and knew that the aesthetic and values that Yumiko had built her company on were in alignment with ours. It was a given that we would share Fog Linen Products with our customers.

What is your favorite fog linen item? How do you like it?

ひとつじゃ足りないから、トップ 3 をあげるわ!

We don't just have one! I will share our top three!
We love the Brass Medium Oval Tray. It can be used in so many different rooms and in different ways. It is also nice because it can be used across different style sets.
Another top favorite is the oven mitten. Everyone loves the size and how comfortable it is!
Because we work in home styling and organizing we also love the brass triple hook! It's such a functional and beautiful piece!