今回 Aroud Fog Linen の質問に答えてくださったのは韓国の
Boddari Store のKoo 。
それは例えば木や竹、籐などの自然素材のバスケットや fog のアイテムのようなシンプルでオーソドックスなもの。
Boddari Store
Q. お店はいつ、どのように始められましたか?
When and why did you start your store?
A. 2016 年に、自宅でライフスタイルアイテムの web shopをスタートしました。
2020 年にオープンしたお店は新型コロナの影響で厳しい状況でしたが、その反面、私にとってはたくさんの感動がありました。
since 2016, I have started selling useful household items for online at my home.
Then, as the number of items gradually increased, I decided to open the shop.
The shop opened in 2020, although It was a tough situation due to the pandemic,
but on the other hand, there was a lot of excitement for me.
I wanted to create a place where my clients and customers could buy cozy, useful and long-lasting
household products. I was exciting to be able to communicate with the people who come to my shop.

Q. fog linen workを知ったきっかけは?
How did you get to know fog linen work?
A. もともと fog の大ファンなんです。
fog には、ライフスタイルや生活雑貨に関する明確なアイデンティティーがあると思います。
fog の価値観やセンスは、私に深いインスピレーションを与えてくれました。
今後、自分の家のインテリアを新しくする機会があったら、fog のスタイルでやってみようと思っています。
ですから fog の製品を自分たちのお客様に紹介するのは自然なことでした。
I'm fog's big fan.
Before I opened the shop, I had known Fog brand years and years ago.
I think Fog has clear identity about lifestyle and household items.
Fog's value and sense of lifestyle inspired me deeply.
If I decorate my home later, I would try to do it in the fog's style.
It was natural for us to introduce fog products to our customers.

Q. あなたのお店はどのような感じですか?取り扱っている商品についても教えてください。
How do you describe your store and what are you carrying?
A. 私たちのお店の説明によく使う文章は"どんな家庭にもありそうなアイテムを販売しています"。
I often use this sentence to explain our shop.
"We sell items that are likely to be in any home."
I am also interested in natural materials and handmade products,
You can see a lot of wood and bamboo&rattan products in our shop.
These mix well with rustic, cozy and aesthetic mood. It can be match with anything we have at home.
In addition, I will continue to show items made by hand-made with natural texture, such as baskets and rugs.
We believe that the attitude of lifestyle begins with trivial attention and affection.
Q. オリジナルアイテムはありますか?(ある場合、それらは何ですか?)
Do you have original items? (if yes, what are they?)
A. 私たちのブランドの最初のアイテムは、竹や籐を使った「かご」でした。
このバスケットは、5 年前からコツコツと紹介してきました。
The first item of our brand was 'basket'. like bamboo and rattan.
I really love natural baskets for storage and organizing.
We have designed our own many of baskets. we are known for our unique and useful basket.
The basket has been steadily introduced for five years.
we can put kid's picture book, linen cloth, coasters in that baskets.
I look forward to introducing useful and aesthetic designed baskets.
Q. fog のお気に入りの商品はなんですか?どういうところが好きですか?
What is your favorite fog linen item? Why do you like it?
A. fog の商品には大好きなものがたくさんありますが、その中でもリネントレイとコースターがお気に入りです。
I love many of fog's products. among them, I both Linen tray and coasters.
I have known linen tray is made from linen that has been covered in a poly resin.
that color and pattern is natural.
Just by stnading at kitchen shelf, feel so good. not only is it super decorative but practical as well.
The uses are truly endless. Coasters seem to be the easiest way to change the table for compact size and affordable price.
Recently, we've also been loving a variety pattern of coasters. as they're great for styling in the kitchen and table.

Q. あなたのお店のそばにある、お気に入りの場所を教えてください!
Please let us know your favorite place near your shop!
A. 私の店は、ソウルの中でも特別に多様性のある 'Seochon' にあります。
Seochon は景福宮の南に位置しています。
My shop is located at 'Seochon' that is really special and diverse in Seoul.
Seochon is located in the south of Gyeongbokgung Palace.
Gyeongbokgung Palace is the most popular palace among Koreans.
Also, Beautiful mountain, Inwangsan is located behind my shop.
There is a palace next to it and a mountain behind it, so it is a very beautiful neighborhood.
It is a place where you can feel the antique and modern mood at the same time.
It is also a favorite place for a wide range of people, from young people to the old man.
Every little alley is full of attractions. Each shop and restaurant have its own personality.
If you go up a little bit from my shop, you will find a nice walking path.
when you go up there, you can look down at the scenery of Seoul.
You can feel so fresh, peaceful in that place.