fog の製品を取り扱ってくださっている海外の素敵な shop をご紹介。
今回はカンサスシティにある Homesong Market のアマンダが私たちの質問に答えてくれました。
4 人の子どもの母親である彼女。
その彼女の暮らす家の中にはあちこちに fog の製品があるのだそう。
shop もそんな賑やかな家庭のような温かみのある素敵な場所。

Homesong Market
When did you open your store?

2019年の秋、"Homesong Market"をオンラインでオープンしました。
4 人目の baby、マチルダがうまれたあと、事務所を私のダイニングルームのテーブルから、近くの実店舗の場所に移動してお店を拡大することにしました。
In the autumn of 2019 while operating out of our home, I opened my shop, Homesong Market, online. After welcoming our fourth baby, Matilda, I chose to expanded the shop in several ways, moving headquarters from my dining room table, to a neighborhood brick and mortar location nearby. One by one we grew our team and expanded our offerings, creating my dream shop that celebrates mindful homemaking through the seasons.

Q.fog linen workを知ったきっかけは?
How did you get to know fog linen work?

もう 10 年近く fog のファンなのですが、Kinfolk で美しい製品について読んだのが最初です。
その後すぐにオンラインショップで、自宅で使うためのリネントレーやベーシックなキッチンクロスなどをはじめて購入しました。そして2017 年に夫のアンドリューと日本を旅行し、fog の実店舗を訪ねたのです。
残念ながらお店は閉まっていたのですが、手書きのメモが貼ってあるのを見て、とてもチャーミング!と思ったのを覚えています 。
I have been a fan of Fog Linen for almost a decade now, first reading about their beautifully crafted products in Kinfolk magazine. I made my first purchase from their online shop shortly thereafter, ordering simple, everyday items like their linen trays and basic kitchen cloths to use at home. In 2017 my husband Andrew and I traveled to Japan and we made a point to visit their physical store. Sadly it was closed, but I recall seeing a handwritten note sharing the shopkeeper was out to lunch, which I found so charming! I peered through the windows and soaked in the beauty of the space. The intentionality and the minimalism inspired me then, and does today. Seeing the shop in person was really special and inspirational. It definitely helped me make the jump from moving my online shop to a physical retail space, offering my customers the opportunity to see, smell, and touch all that we offer with a more holistic and sensory experience.

What is your favorite fog linen item? How do you like it?

実は、我が家には fog の商品があちこちにあるのですが、どの商品も使い込むほどに美しさを増していくんです。fogの商品は、本当にすっきりしていて万能だと思います。
Hard to say! I really love the minimal brass hardware and bowls, linen coated trays, pot holders, and chambray linen blankets in both stripe colors. Truthfully, we have Fog Linen goods all over our home, and each piece has only grown more beautiful with use over time. I think it’s really neat how versatile many of their products are.

What do you expect fog linen to produce for future?

I foresee more linen fabric options and color-ways, perhaps more specialized brass kitchen tools, and maybe in the future, woven baskets. I would love for them to carry handmade woven baskets that you see in shops all over Japan, Kyoto specifically.