それは暮らしにまつわるさまざまなものを取り扱っている web shop なのですが、商品のセレクションやプレゼンテーションなど、どれも統一感があってとってもエレガントなのです。
きっと素敵な shop になるに違いない!

Connected Goods
How and when did you start your business?
私たちは 2009 年に始めました。
We started in 2009. It began as a small side project and slowly blossomed.
After the loss of my mother to cancer, I was reminded to keep the notion of presence in the forefront, and that I only wanted to be doing something that I could pour my whole heart into.

What is your city looks like?
私は 4 代目のモンタナ出身で、この景色に対してたくさんの愛と誇りと敬意を抱いています。
We are located in beautiful Bozeman, Montana.
I'm a fourth-generation Montanan and have a lot of love, pride, and admiration for our landscape.
We are super excited to bring a brick-and-mortar to our community soon!

Q.fog のお気に入りの商品はなんですか?どういうところが好きですか?
What is your favorite fog linen item? How do you like it?
It's so hard to choose. I'd have to go with the linen trays.
It's one of the first items I fell in love with years ago and they have stood the test of time.
They encompass everything we adore in functionality and beauty.
Q.fog linen に今後期待することは何ですか?
What do you expect fog linen to produce for future?
The linens are so beautiful, I'd be delighted to see them in a shower curtain!