shop がオープンした当初はほんの少しのアイテムしか置いてなかったけれど、お客様と一緒に考えながら少しずつスペースを埋めていったのだとか。
fog のキッチンクロスはタオルになったり、ネッカチーフになったりさまざまに使っているんですって。
美しい砂漠のあるアリゾナの地で fog のアイテムが活躍しているなんて、なんだかとっても嬉しいですね。

When did you open your store?
2004 年の夏、母と私でお店をオープンしました。
母はその前に 4 年間お店をやっていたので、 2人で一緒にやるとなったとき、やりたいことを全部盛り込んで、自分たちの興味のあることをまとめたり、ちょっと変えたりして、お店の場所も移動しました。
My mom and I opened our store together in the summer of 2004.
My mom had a store for 4 years prior to this, so when we came together, we combined all our interests, changed it a bit and moved locations to incorporate all we wanted to do.
We started on a shoestring budget and in fact, our shop was only half full when we opened because that was all we could do at the time.
It's unimaginable now the way things are typically done so perfectly and with a lot of marketing from the get go. Our shop was the opposite.
We worked tirelessly to build up from nothing. We knew exactly what we wanted and what we were striving for, and yet it is wild to think of how we really winged it at that time.
In a way, it was a beautiful thing to have our clients grow with us - they were so supportive and happy to see us fill in our space as we went along.
So far we keep that sense of excitement, and openness to growing and changing in different ways with our shop. Our interests and aesthetic remain the same, but we are always happily surprised and excited by new special things we find or a project we want to make - whether through a photo project, our clothing line - or something else that pops up.

Q. お店のオリジナル商品はありますか?
Do you have original items?
We do have a clothing line that we design and produce in the states. It is something we really love making and we keep it very small so that it remains fun for us. It is a project that keeps us inspired and excited for things to come. Our shop also gives this feeling - it is all connected.

Q. fog を知ったきかっけは?
How did you get to know fog linen work?
fog Linenを初めて見たのは、何年も前に NYのErica Tanov のショップで、彼女の商品を扱っていたときだったと思います。
I think we first saw Fog Linen at Erica Tanov's shop in NY when we carried her line many years ago.
It felt so special - so perfect and beautifully displayed. It was a collection that spoke to us immediately.
We love useful things and find the most useful not only work well but also bring joy to your world every day.
Beauty & Utility - a combination we are always on the search for. Sometimes beauty for beauty's sake, but that is still incredibly useful!!

Q. fogのお気に入りの商品はなんですか?どういうところが好きですか?
What is your favorite fog linen item? How do you like it?
母と私はスタイルがとても似ていて、赤と白のギンガムや青と白のギンガムのタオルをナプキンやテーブルクロスとして使い、テーブルにはBlue WillowやAstier de Villatteの食器を置いています。
It's hard to pick one.
My mom and I both use the kitchen cloths for everything! They are napkins, they are dish towels, hand towels.... and when they are worn after years of use, they become household tools for cleaning up messes, etc. Before the neckerchiefs came into existence, we also even used the kitchen cloths as neckerchiefs! We also adore the small oven mitt, everything that comes in red or blue gingham... we use a lot of Fog pieces in our homes. My mom and I have very similar style and we both use either red and white gingham or the blue and white gingham towels as napkins and tablecloths with Blue Willow and Astier de Villatte dishes for our tables.