Civil Alchemy
Q.When did you open your store?
Civil Alchemyは 2017 年にオープンしました。その前に私は、K.ホールスタジオという会社を経営していました。家庭用のフレグランスのブランドです。
Civil Alchemy was opened in 2017. Before that time, I owned a company Called K. Hall Studio. A brand of home and personal fragrances.

Q.fog linenを知ったきっかけは?
Q.How did you get to know fog linen work?
ちょっと曖昧なのですが、確か 2014 年頃に fog のことを知り、前のお店で扱おうと思っていたんです。でもその後、自由なデザインと発展のために前の事業を売却しました。
今のお店、Civil Alchemy を企画した時点で、fog linen はまず最初にお店に置こうと思っていたブランドです。
Why, that is a bit foggy. I believe in around 2014 I became aware of the brand and intended to bring it into my former stores, but then, sold the business for new freedom of design and development. As soon as I planned Civil Alchemy, Fog linen was the first brand I intended to carry.

Q.fog のお気に入りの商品はなんですか?どういうところが好きですか?
Q.What is your favorite fog linen item? How do you like it?
That is a difficult question. But if I were to say 2, one would be a dress I have has for a few years, in linen, drop waist shirred skirt, button up from the waist. Also a natural wool skirt. I wear it year-round and especially love in transition seasons with leggings and boots.
I also love the resin trays of linen fabrics. The uses are truly endless. I have used these to hold everything from picnic items to bathroom accessories, to collections of flowers from my garden, and even serving people.

Q.What do you expect fog linen to produce for future?
Q.fog linenに今後期待することは何ですか?
Wool turtle necks! Linen nightgowns, linen slips.